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Are your loved ones prepared for chilly weather?

The winter season is in full swing, and it’s important to check in with your elderly loved ones to make sure they’re prepared for the frigid weather and dangerously icy conditions. Keep your loved ones safe and healthy this winter with these tips:

Staying active: Even when it’s cold outside, that doesn’t have to stop your loved ones from being active – suggest taking laps around the house or trying a light exercise video. Not only will it help keep them in shape, but it’ll also keep their bodies warmer on those chilly winter days.

Planning ahead: Consider stocking up on nonperishable groceries, finding a friendly neighbor to help shovel, and/or grabbing extra blankets and warm clothing to avoid leaving the house and risking a possible fall.

Keeping in touch: Make sure you set up your elderly loved ones with multiple lines of communication so they are able to reach out for help in case of an emergency. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check in with loved ones every few days during the winter season to make sure they have everything they need.

If you think your elderly loved one could benefit from extra support this season, get in touch with us for a free, no obligation, in-home consultation.

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