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LANCASTER: (717) 394-5111 YORK: (717) 600-8600


Could In-Home Health Care Help?

In LESS THAN 3 MINUTES, find out if in-home care could benefit your loved one and which type of care would be best for them.

Shopping in the grocery store is a difficult chore for my loved one.

Mail is piling up unopened in my loved one’s home.

I see my loved one struggle walking without a cane or walker.

I’ve noticed that my loved one’s house is a mess and they always used to be clean.

My loved one has stopped cooking full and healthy meals by themselves.

I’ve noticed my loved one seems confused and forgetful.

My loved one has been diagnosed with Dementia, Alzheimer’s or another memory illness.

I’ve noticed my loved one doesn’t take care of their hygiene or appearance as well anymore.

My loved one has trouble, or has reported having trouble, getting in and out of the shower or using their shower chair.

My loved one has trouble, or has reported having trouble, using the bathroom on their own.

My loved one uses a catheter, colostomy bag, bed pan, or adult briefs.

My loved one doesn’t get fully dressed anymore by themselves.

I know my loved one would go more places if they had a driver.

My loved one’s medication schedule can overwhelm them at times.

My loved one has been diagnosed with MS or ALS.

My loved one appears lonely and isolated at times and does not engage in activities they used to enjoy.

Does your loved one need assistance getting to bed on their own — or getting up in the morning?

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