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The Benefits of Home Care Services for the Elderly

Everyone knows that there is truly no place like home.  For seniors, who have many life challenges, this is particularly so. The main reason that seniors desire in-home care is simply that they want to be comfortable and live with all of their positive memories. They can set up their living quarters the way that they want them to be and call all of the shots as to what goes where. The truth is that, unless they have a really debilitating medical or psychological condition, in-home care is clearly the preferred choice.

What are the other benefits of home care services?

Living in one’s own home gives oneself a tremendous feeling of independence and self-worth. When you live on your own, you feel competent and in control of your destiny. Even the type of senior care that assisted-living residences offer can compromise this feeling of independence. When you have to adhere to someone else’s schedule, you don’t really feel in control of your life.

Giving Your Family A Break

Another benefit of home care services is that it gives your family and caretakers a break from the demands of taking care of you. Most people are very busy with their own lives. While they may love you dearly, they may just not have the time and energy to assist with elderly care. Not only that but also they may not be trained appropriately for helping you with all of your needs.

A Trusted Friend

For those seniors who live by themselves, having a reliable caretaker around is necessary for their basic social needs. It is unhealthy to spend too much time alone, and a person who is there a number of times during the week can do just the trick to keep you from getting lonely. A qualified caretaker can be a trusty companion who will always look out for your best interests. Having a caretaker around gives you the feeling that you are being cared for by someone who cares about you and is like a family member.

Save Some Money

The costs of nursing homes and assisted living facilities for senior care can be formidable. You may have to pay even double the cost to get elderly care in a nursing home. Particularly if you don’t need round-the-clock care, you can save a lot of money by having home health care visits.

A Helping Hand

Research shows that having a caretaker come in to visit you can help with your general health and well-being. They can help you become more mobile and assist with your health care needs. Going it alone, if you have health issues, is not a wise choice. Your caretaker will keep you on schedule and will remind you of all the little things that are important for your well-being.

Making Your Home

A home care worker can help you with anything that you need to make your life easier. They can assist you with all of the following:

  • Personal care – This includes help with bathing and other hygienic needs.
  • Homemaking – You might need help with cleaning your home, caring for your yard, or doing laundry.
  • Cooking and the preparation of meals. You might be challenged to keep up with everything that you need to do to prepare your food.
  • Chores – You may need help to go shopping regularly and pick up things like your medication.
  • Healthcare – You may need to be reminded to take your medication or need other assistance.


For the active senior, the assistance of a home care worker can be just the thing to enable them to lead an independent and satisfying life. It is important for someone to stay with them on a regular basis.  Emergency situations may arise, and they usually need at least some help to get through the day. Hiring a trusted caretaker from By Your Side Care to step in and help will relieve the stress of having to rely solely on oneself in every situation.

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