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3 Tips To Help You Handle Changes In Behavior Due To Alzheimer’s Disease

At By Your Side Home Care, we know how hard it is for family members to watch their loved one gradually slip away due to Alzheimer’s disease. We also know that dealing with the changes in your loved one’s behavior can be both frustrating and challenging.

One moment your loved one could feel confused or suspicious, the next they could feel agitated or happy.

Knowing how to deal with your loved one’s behavioral changes is easier said than done. But, with these few tips, we hope to make it a little less stressful for you.

In order to help you handle the changes Alzheimer’s has on your loved one’s behavior, we would like to offer these three tips.


Stay Calm in the Event of Sudden Confusion or Memory Loss

Sudden confusion or memory loss caused by Alzheimer’s is perhaps one of the hardest behavioral changes to accept.

Hearing your loved one call you the wrong name, seeing them act like they forget where they are or who you are is frustrating.

When this happens, it is best to stay calm. Avoid sounding angry or hurt because your loved one could become angry as well. Two ways that you can achieve this are by talking to them clearly and concisely, as well as showing them any photographs or other mementos that may remind them of important places and/or relationships.

Caring for Alzheimer Patient



Study Your Loved One’s Surroundings If They Become Aggressive or Irritated

Someone with Alzheimer’s has the potential to be verbally and physically abusive. Aggression can be triggered by a number of things.

Believe it or not, physical pain or discomfort may cause them to become aggressive because they may have difficulty telling you how they feel. The environment that they reside in may also be the cause of the aggression due to them being overstimulated by things such as loud noises.

To counteract aggression, the first thing you will need to do is remain positive.

Next, you should focus on the environment they are in, and if they are indeed feeling any pain.

Try to think about what may have happened before your loved one became irritated. Was your loved one feeling lost? Were they forced to do something or talk to someone who they were unfamiliar with? Taking more time to think about the environment that your loved one is in, and whether or not he or she is comfortable, may just be what you need to do to limit their aggression.

Alzheimer Patient and Caregiver Walking Through Garden



Listen Openly & Do Not Take Offense When Your Loved One Becomes Suspicious

When your loved one becomes suspicious of you or others around you, the first thing you need to do is not take offense. In fact, you need to listen and let your loved one know you care. If you do determine that something is missing, replacing it as soon as you can should be a priority.

Unfortunately, sometimes suspicion can turn into hallucination, and your loved one may become extremely fearful and try to inflict physical self-harm. If this occurs, we suggest taking your loved one for a medical evaluation immediately.

Dealing with the symptoms and behaviors exhibited by a person with Alzheimer’s can be a harrowing ordeal. It often takes a strong individual just to be around a loved one who has been diagnosed. However, if you remain calm, are able to listen and care, you will find the experience a lot less troubling not only for yourself, but for that of your loved one.

Conversation with Dementia Patient



Caring for Memory Loss With By Your Side

We want only what is best for you and your loved ones. If your loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s or any other form of Dementia, and you are unsure if in-home care should be considered, take our interactive quiz! In less than 3 minutes, you can find out if a caregiver would benefit your personal situation and what type of care would be most beneficial.

While Alzheimer’s can be a trying disease for both you and your loved one, By Your Side is here to help! Our specialized memory loss caregivers love serving York, Lancaster, and surrounding PA areas.

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