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Difficult Conservations

Caregiver experiencing caregiver burnout

Caring for Your Parents? How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout & Stress

June 19, 2018

Becoming a caregiver for a parent is both noble and important, but it can also feel EXTREMELY taxing. In order to be able to provide them the all-important support – and not go crazy — you need to find strategies to ward-off caregiver burnout. Simply put, you can’t take care of others if you’re in […]

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Parents in need of in-home care

Quiz: Do Your Parents Need In-Home Care?

May 31, 2018

Deciding if your elderly parents or loved ones need in-home care can be difficult. We’ve designed the By Your Side in-home care quiz to help people evaluate whether their parents need support— and the level of care that will best meet their needs. Take our quiz for a recommendation on whether your loved ones could […]

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Elderly Drivers

How to Talk to Your Parents About Giving up Their Driver’s Licenses

February 1, 2018

Talking to your parents about giving up their driver’s licenses is never easy. How do you tell the people who raised you, and who likely taught you to drive, that they aren’t safe behind the wheel any longer? When the time comes to have this conversation, going about it in the right way can maximize […]

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Accepting In-Home Care

Helpful Tips for Persuading an Elderly Parent to Accept Home Care

February 22, 2017

A Widespread Dilemma Families sometimes discover an elderly relative would benefit from regular in-home care. Yet frequently a senior initially resists the idea of accepting help. Have you wondered how to introduce this topic to an aging parent? The dilemma poses challenges for many people today! Remember Some Key Facts About Aging Physical mobility and […]

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