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Senior Quality of Life

The Right Choice For You

Home Care vs. Nursing Homes: Exploring the Disadvantages of Nursing Homes

November 30, 2017

If you are looking into professional senior care options for your parents, you may think that nursing homes are your only choice — the nursing home industry certainly likes to encourage that perception. The truth, however, is that you have a big decision to make between in-home senior and nursing home care.  While senior care […]

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Summertime Elderly Fun

Summer Fun Safety Tips for Seniors

July 28, 2017

The winters here in Southeast PA are long and cold, so most of us look forward to the warm summer months all year long. Barbecues, beach trips, and relaxing by the pool or lake with friends and family make summer a favorite time of year. However, too much fun and sun in the great outdoors […]

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Menopause Symptoms

Understanding The Good, Bad, and Hot Flashes of Menopause

June 21, 2017

Every woman goes through menopause, but each has different experiences during this often difficult transitional time. Some breeze right through it, while others suffer terribly from mood swings, hot flashes, memory loss, and even dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Fortunately, there are ways of dealing with these menopausal symptoms. From senior care to proper sleep and […]

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Recreational Activities for Seniors in Lancaster & York, PA

Recreational Activities for Seniors

January 19, 2017

As we age, we become increasingly sedentary yet we still require physical and mental activity to boost our quality of life. Those providing in-home care, therefore, should interact with an older person and keep them active at the same time. Doing so helps to stimulate older people’s minds and bodies, particularly those suffering from dementia. […]

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Elderly man petting dog

Effect of Pets On Those Needing In-Home Care

November 29, 2016

If you require in-home care, you should consider adding a pet to your life. Many people start to get lonely as they get older. Getting a pet could be just the thing to bring some joy to your life and it can help to relieve your anxiety. There are lots of reasons that you should […]

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24 Hour Home Care Lancastser PA

The Benefits of Home Care Services for the Elderly

June 6, 2016

Everyone knows that there is truly no place like home.  For seniors, who have many life challenges, this is particularly so. The main reason that seniors desire in-home care is simply that they want to be comfortable and live with all of their positive memories. They can set up their living quarters the way that […]

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How to Tell If Home Care Is the Right Option for Your Loved One

October 2, 2015

Instead of moving into a nursing home or an assisted living community, many individuals, whether they are seniors or physically challenged, prefer to live at home for as long as they can. While there is no denying that residing at home is the better choice for those who need some/little assistance with going about their […]

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